How to Masturbate with Panties: A Guide


Masturbating with panties on can add a new level of excitement and sensation to your solo sexual experiences. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you explore this intimate practice and discover the pleasures it can bring.

Step 1: Find the Right Pair

Choose a pair of panties that make you feel comfortable and sexy. Consider the fabric, style, and fit that you prefer. Whether it's lace, satin, cotton, or any other material, the key is to select panties that enhance your arousal and add to the experience.

Step 2: Get in the Mood

Set the mood by creating a relaxing and sensual atmosphere. Dim the lights, light some candles, or play soft music to help you feel more comfortable and in tune with your body. Masturbation is all about self-exploration and pleasure, so take the time to indulge in a little self-care and pampering.

Step 3: Explore Sensual Touch

Start by caressing your body through the panties. Use your fingers to explore different areas, such as your breasts, thighs, and pubic area. Allow yourself to feel the texture of the fabric against your skin and enjoy the anticipation it creates.

Step 4: Incorporate Clitoral Stimulation

Move your hand to your clitoris and gently rub or press it through the panties. Experiment with different strokes and pressures to find what feels best for you. The panties can add an extra layer of sensation and make the experience even more pleasurable.

Step 5: Use a Vibrator 

If you have a vibrator, you can use it alongside the panties for added stimulation. Place the vibrator on top of the panties and explore the different vibration settings to find the intensity that excites you. The combination of the vibrator and panties can create intense and mind-blowing orgasms.

(Check out Jellytime’s range of vibrators if you want to add this toy to your pleasure journey!)


Why You Should Explore Masturbating With Panties

Masturbating with panties on can be a thrilling and intimate experience. The sensation of the fabric against your skin can enhance arousal and make the experience more sensual and enjoyable. It allows you to explore different textures and sensations, making each session unique and exciting.

Considerations When Masturbating with Panties

  • Choose panties made of breathable and comfortable materials to avoid discomfort during play.
  • Wash the panties before each use to maintain proper hygiene and prevent infections.
  • Experiment with different styles of panties to see which ones enhance your pleasure the most.

Masturbating in Women's Underwear as a Man

Masturbating in women's underwear is a common fantasy for some men. It can be a way to explore cross-dressing or feminization fantasies and experience pleasure from a different perspective. If this is something you're interested in, remember that it's essential to do what feels right for you and to engage in activities that are consensual and respectful.

Pro Tips:

  • Embrace Your Fantasies: Exploring cross-dressing or feminization fantasies through masturbation can be a liberating experience. Embrace your desires without judgment and remember that fantasies are a natural part of human sexuality.
  • Find Comfortable Underwear: Choose women's underwear that fits comfortably and makes you feel good about yourself. Look for materials that are soft and breathable to enhance your pleasure.
  • Take It Slow: If you're new to this experience, take your time and go at your own pace. Gradually introduce women's underwear into your solo play and see how it makes you feel.

Masturbating with Someone Else's Panties

Using someone else's panties for masturbation without their consent is a violation of their privacy and boundaries. It is essential to respect others' belongings and not engage in non-consensual activities. Masturbation should be a solo and consensual activity, focused on your own pleasure and self-exploration.

Pro Tips:

  • Respect Boundaries: Never use someone else's panties without their explicit consent. Respect their privacy and personal belongings, and always ask for permission before using anything that belongs to someone else.
  • Communicate Openly: If you have a partner who is willing to share their panties with you, ensure there is open communication about boundaries and comfort levels. Always prioritize consent and mutual understanding.
  • Invest in Your Own Collection: If you enjoy the idea of using panties for masturbation, consider buying your own collection of women's underwear. This way, you can explore your fantasies without intruding on anyone else's boundaries.

Masturbating with Used Panties

Masturbating with used panties is a topic that often intertwines the realms of sexual fantasy and personal boundaries. For some, the idea of using worn panties can add an element of heightened arousal, tapping into the allure of someone else's scent and the intimacy it implies. However, it's crucial to approach this fantasy with utmost respect for the importance of consent. 

Using someone else's used panties without their explicit consent is a violation of their personal boundaries and privacy. Consent is the cornerstone of any respectful and ethical sexual activity. It's important to recognize that while this fantasy may evoke excitement, the respect for the owner's autonomy and personal space is paramount.


Masturbate with Panties On While Using a Vibrator?

Using a vibrator with panties on can be an exhilarating combination. The vibrations from the vibrator can enhance the sensations of the fabric against your skin, creating a more intense and pleasurable experience. Experiment with different vibrator settings and panty styles to find the perfect combination for you.

Pro Tips:

  • Choose the Right Vibrator: Select a vibrator that complements the sensation of wearing panties. Opt for a vibrator with adjustable settings and a comfortable shape that enhances the experience.
  • Experiment with Positions: Try different positions while using the vibrator with panties on to discover what feels most pleasurable. You can lie down, sit, or even stand, depending on your comfort and desire.
  • Engage Your Imagination: Use your imagination to intensify the experience. Picture yourself in various scenarios or fantasies that align with your desires while enjoying the sensations of both the vibrator and panties.

Speaking of enriching experiences, have you met the Bobble? Our pleasure companion is designed to take your solo or partnered play to new heights, delivering exhilarating vibrations for an unforgettable journey. With its bulbous head and versatile settings, the Bobble offers an experience you won't want to miss. Discover the Bobble and embrace a world of vibrating delight that complements your intimate explorations flawlessly.

Is It Safe To Masturbate With Panties?

Masturbating with panties on is generally safe for most individuals. However, it's essential to ensure that the panties are clean and made of breathable materials to avoid any discomfort or risk of infection. Always listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort during the process.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep It Clean: Ensure the panties you use for masturbation are clean and free from any potential irritants. Wash them regularly with soap and water to maintain proper hygiene.
  • Use Body-Safe Materials: When selecting panties, opt for materials that are body-safe and non-irritating. Choose soft and breathable fabrics that feel comfortable against your skin.
  • Know Your Limits: Listen to your body and stop immediately if you experience any discomfort or pain during the process. Masturbation should be a pleasurable and enjoyable experience, so always prioritize your well-being.

In conclusion, exploring masturbation with panties on can be a delightful and intimate experience. It allows you to connect with your body in a sensual way and discover new sensations that can heighten your pleasure. Remember to prioritize comfort, hygiene, and consent while engaging in this enjoyable practice. Embrace the pleasure journey and enjoy the intimate connection with yourself.

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